
Saturday, September 7, 2013

This post is gonna be.. a looooooong post I assume.
So please stay with me and read on if you wish ;)

Yesterday was a good ol' gathering back at Changi Airport Recreational Club together with my maternal side family.
Besides that was a welcome party for my bro who was away from Singapore for like 2 yrs and 2 months!
Everyone had fun last night singing karaoke, having the food and also homemade cheesecakes by Billy Grace and Linz!
Nutella and Strawberry Cheesecakes nomz.
It was damn goooooood.
I can still imagine myself savoring it *slurps*.

Well everyone was having fun, it snapped my mind how much I wanted to let all these people know how grateful am I to have them in my life.
How fate tied us together and named us a "Family."
I am truly grateful and yes I want to express my love for them!
Don't stop me..if I decide to giggle along while typing all these or I could be tearing like a baby.
HAHA seriously, I don't know.


Thank you for being the one who helps out with the household chores (I helped you out too at times!! but the contribution is too little to be mentioned) 
For being the one who does lame stuff and tell lame jokes just to make the whole family laugh and we will all be like, "Daddy! Like that also can!"
He likes to come up with surprises, like how he would surprise my mum, my family and planning impromptu outings or dinners that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE!
Oh, not forgetting that my dad cooks really good Pork Chops.
Thanks Dad, I love you.


Thank you for always taking good care of our health and money matters HAHAHA.
Without my mum, I guess the water tap for money is never gonna be turned off.
Thank you for always cooking really yummy food for dinner and how much I really appreciate them that after every dinner, I would tell you, "Thank you for the dinner, every single dish was delicious."
It is, deep down from the bottom of my heart.
It could be just veggie with chicken or fish, an omelette, with/without a soup and that's a meal.
But damn, how can it taste so good Mum, really.
And sorry for making you worry about my health!


Thank you for springing up surprises for me as well!
Someday my sis would just come home and say, "Cynnie! I got this for you."
That moment that I really go "Awww." but just can't express it really well.
But just to let you know sis, whatever you've got for me, I love every single piece of it.
Absolute love.
I would like to give my sister goosebumps everytime telling her how much I love her through twitter/instagram and in REAL LIFE.
I would just exclaim to her how much I love those sisterly moments between us.
She will say "Siao(Crazy) / Gross"
But I know deep down you LOVE ME A LOT SIS.


Hoho someone who came back after 2 years and 2 months.
But i remembered all the wonderful moments that we hanged out together.
When we would just catch an impromptu movie, dining out, giving me treats and just doing silly stuff enough to make the whole family go LOL.
This is why he is awesome as well.
Making us laugh and smile.
These moments are so priceless that I really want to say thank you ;)
Stay happy ok ;)


My nonsense partner who stayed with me since Secondary 3 all the way till now, Poly Year 2, even though we have known each other's existence but we were still kind of distant.
She is nonsense, full of it.
But that's what makes her unique and someone who makes you want to laugh really badly!
You have been one of the closest to me, and I really appreciate you going through thick and thin with me.
I could pour my sorrows to you without worries, and I could share my joy with you that even you're happy together with me!
Much loves for you and can't wait to see you soon sweetheart!


Knowing her since secondary 2 was the best thing in my life.
5 weeks away from Singapore, I'm missing her loads :(
Hope she is doing well in China and I really want to see her soon!
Thank for listening to my stories and giving me advices, I would be clueless without you <3
Stay happy with B. ;) *wink*

a friend that took me long enough to realize(hope you know who you are!):

A friend that is reliable, being truthful and direct, that's why there's no secrets between us.
I'm really glad that I have realized after all the twists and turns that you are one friend that I would never want to lose!
We can laugh about nonsense things as well and we aspire for the same objectives in life.
Thank you and can't wait to meet up soon! ;)



Billy; I could pour my sorrows to her and we do ridiculous stuff even to acting les just to make her long sq. jealous like shit HAHA. She heard my sorrows and all she said was,"Don't worry cynnie, because I'm here for you!" I swear these words were impactful enough to make me cry.

Jane; the one GIANT cousin that I have but I can't see her often because of her studies :( But she is one BLUR cousin and a really bubbly girl that everyone likes her for! She is my baobei too wahahha. Hope she does well for her A levels and I know she will.
Stay happy with XM hahaha!

Jolly; my pretty cuzzie who is so enthusiastic and can brighten up the whole atmosphere.
I love how she would support my blog and read it at times! That's the biggest encouragement I can ever get.
She is simply awesome <3

Jiayu; my enthusiastic cuzzie who is super blur and cute! She is most of the times clueless about things I guess HAHAHA.
But that's what makes her adorable.
She is like my 2nd sister as well, since my sister is her mum's god-daughter which makes us really close as well! <3

Zuella; who is off in China for her OSIP :(
5 months not seeing her over at granny's house will be quite miserable :(
But I do hope she have a great time there!
Anticipating her return and countdown everyday hehe.

Linz; your nutella cheesecake was awesome!
And she is a really supportive cousin as well who will read my blog post for Laneige etc and that's what makes me really feel like my blog is somehow useful HEHE.
Thanks for your support Linz <3

Da Jie and Er Jie; my 2 elder cuzzies!
I have never really expected that my blog will be readable for those who are slightly older than me. I'm gonna try to achieve more readers if I can relate to those topics!
So I'm really hoping to find out what else I blog about and probably just share my thoughts.
Thank you for encouraging and supporting me morally for my blog endeavors and I'm really working hard for it!
I love you guys and I can't wait to be an aunt again!
So elated! you have a dedication to make to your loved ones?

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