
Saturday, January 24, 2015


Are there times which you hoped that someone close to you would just trust you?
Those times, when they simply do not trust you,
it hurts. so badly.

I am not trying to be a meanie here and bitch about anyone that I love.
I just felt that I needed someone to talk to.
To express what I'm holding in.

Why do people not trust me when I say I have proper diets and not starving myself?
Why do people not trust me when I knew I put in the effort to keep a healthy weight?
Is this all I am?
Someone not worth trusting?
I don't know, really.
It suddenly feels like I am all alone.
Because what I say, no one believes it anyway.
So what is the point of saying?

What is the point of saying so much when no one believes it?
I feel horrible, I feel lonely, I feel like tearing up in a corner.

Maybe, things will get better if I talk to my toys.
If I were to sit in a corner and cry with my pillows.
Maybe that's what will make me better.

I will be a better person.
I will.


1 comment:

  1. Hey there, hope you're feeling better :)
    They might be just a little more concern.
    Try to think of it from another perspective. It might help!
    Talk more to your toys and it's ok to cry.

    Get up^^ soon~
