
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

daisy travels: Taipei Day 1

Hello guys! How have your Chinese New Year been? Mine was amazing to me. You know the feeling of settling down with your family, cousins, niece & nephews in a house, snacking on CNY goodies, gathering round the dinner table with bubbling pipin' hot steamboat settled in the middle. Or even just some home-cooked dishes to settle those empty tummies of ours. 

CNY sure ended quickly. Before we knew it, we are now back to the mundane life of school and work. But I'm sure we find joy in everyday of our life. I would definitely share on some of my CNY experience, so now perhaps just give me some time to share my Taipei experience earlier Jan this year!

It was an impromptu trip together with my sister, which I really had no idea what gave us the courage to do it but I'm glad we did :) I booked our flight and hotel through Expedia, which I believed I really did some amount of money having done my self-calculations. So yay to more expenses in Taipei! You will never believe how much I looked forward to this trip because I was struggling with some of my toughest moments in polytechnic and this was my sole motivation to get through it.

Getting all prepped to begin our first day! The room was really small, but I guess the cozy feels was just right! Just what we were looking for in this trip.

Welcome to Watami! Absolutely loving the entire interior as well as the food that we had. Get ready to drool guys, because I simply LOVE THE MENU.

And I was absolutely please to be sitting by the windows seat. It was cold and chilly outside, but when settling into the restaurants of Taipei, the warmth of the heaters just makes you go,"Awwww..." And when you look at the cars passing by, you feel so blessed for everything that you have, the warmth :)

I love everything with gravy. Curry rice, Hor Fun, Hor Fun Gravy on long as my rice is moist, I like it all! This was probably one of my favourite dish from Watami besides Wafu Pizza...
Ochazuke! We got both, one with salmon and the other with cod roe. Absolutely amazing and magical because who actually eats rice thats soaked in tea?! I heard that this used to be available in Singapore's Watami but now it's gone.. Can I put a tooth under my pillow and pray for it to be back? 
:( nevertheless, no regrets trying it and fallin' in love with it ;)

Grilled Baby Corn with butter on Hot Pan, definitely smokin' hot <3

Stir fried white water snowflake and pork neck on hot pan! Big fan of the crunch of the vegetables, mega love!


It was like 5-6pm at Taipei Main Station.
Perfect night scenes with bustling traffic in this cold, chilly weather.
Along with my sister, warmth was just around the corner.

Took the subway and boom! Welcome to Xi Men Ding, XMD! Your so-called Pasar Malam in Singapore or Bugis Street. It's all these signages that makes it look ever-so-glamorous!

Those street feels and beanies were our props throughout the trip.
Lovin' this shot though!

Watami everywhere!
As much as I wish I could just go back in to have my favorite dish, I couldn't afford to miss out all the other goodies!

Some streets were pretty empty too!

The ever-famous chicky chicky chicken!
Didn't get to try it on this trip as there were other street foods that we were looking for. At least this is available in Singapore!

Ah Zong Mian Xian(Mee Sua) at Xi Men Ding! But we tried the one from Shih Lin instead and damn it's really good with the peppery taste!
I love hot & spicy food so it was definitely good to me!
Reminded me of weeks ago when I was having my favourite ban mian..
I would add my usual pepper into it and apparently that day was my "lucky" day. A chunk of it went straight into my soup and my ban mian became like pepper noodles..
Was sniffing throughout the entire meal :'(

THIS. My sister and I searched high and low for this, and yay we did! It was just located at XMD subway station which we missed out a lot of times and couldn't find it. but I'm so glad we did and bought it!

How to choose from all these eye-catching and simply tasty-looking donuts?!

Tadah bought!
Guess what flavor we've got?

A must-take tourist shot with sis <3

Red bean was my choice!

White choc for sis :D
my tummy said it's good and yes it is good!
I missed this donut for like years because it was so chewy and tasted like mochi.
Still unforgettable from the texture that when I'm typing this, I think my mouth started the chewing motion oops.

So apparently, that dog is called Ah Mao. And it's a risotto store!

Lucky sis who got her cutie pau plush from the toy-picker machine!
I want it too but...tough luck :(

Yes, 7-11. My sis and I have this serious obsession with convenience stores there that we enter almost every single one that we saw. And every night before heading back to our hotel! 
Cheers to cosy moments and Day 2 will be up when i'm free!

Much loves,

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